Writio Review from a Mass AI Content Creator User (2023)


As a solopreneur who thrives on automation and AI, I am always on the lookout for tools that can give me an edge.

I’ve tried and tested over 20 AI content generators to find the perfect fit.

Recently, I took Writio by Ezoic for a spin, a new AI writing software that’s barely been heard of.

While it boasts of using GPT-4 technology and promises unique content, my experience tells a different story.

Here’s my detailed review of Writio – the good, the bad, and the bland.

AI Technology and Performance

Writio, a player in the AI writing software space, touts itself as running on GPT-4 technology.

Writio says they are using GPT 4 to write the content, but I highly doubt that.

However, my experience says otherwise. As a solopreneur who thrives on the cutting-edge of AI, I’ve been knee-deep in this world, trying out different systems and platforms.

So when I tried Writio, it felt more like a GPT 3.5, certainly not a 4. It felt like the software often missed the mark when it came to instruction following, a key feature of advanced AI technology.

Also, how the heck would they fine-tune GPT 4? As far as I know, that’s not an option given by OpenAI at all right now. Am I out of the loop here? Maybe I’m not a big enough player to consider someone might have very exclusive access to it.

That statement just doesn’t feel right to me.

Hey, if I’m wrong, I’ll be glad if anyone leaves a comment.

Pricing Analysis

Digging into the numbers, Writio’s pricing seems a bit off. In my journey of exploring AI tools, I’ve noticed a trend. GPT-4 articles usually come with a hefty price tag.

Bring Your Own Keys will usually net you $1 per article.

Koala will charge you around $5.

Writio’s charging you as low as $0.66.

This is why Writio’s relatively low pricing raised a few eyebrows. Just doesn’t add up!

Content Quality

A crucial factor in any writing software is the quality of content. In Writio’s case, the content seemed to bypass AI detectors pretty well, meaning it was unique to a good extent.

But, there’s a caveat. The text felt bland, like a popcorn movie without the popcorn. Surely, we can do better than this.

Formatting and Layout

One major downside I noticed was in the format and layout of the generated text. It resembled a daunting wall of text, devoid of breaks or any kind of logical structure. A bit hard to digest, don’t you think?

Writing Style Extraction

Writio offers a ‘Writing Style’ extraction feature, which, in theory, should be fantastic. But in practice? I found that the AI didn’t seem to care much about this feature, rendering the whole thing useless.

Limitations and Potential Niches

What struck me was the absence of any SERP extraction feature and the inability to edit outlines or inject data. These limitations considerably narrow down the niches that can effectively use Writio.

Image Integration

On a brighter note, the images integrated by Writio were pretty impressive. A visual record that the AI isn’t completely underperforming!

Recommended Topics

Writio’s suggested topics were a high point. Remember, as an automation junkie, I’m always looking for ways to amplify the reach and authority of my content. Writio seemed to provide decent long-tail recommendations, aiding in building topical authority.

Comparison to Other Tools

As someone who has worked with over 20 AI content generators, I can confidently say that I’d choose SEOWriting or my own persona prompts over Writio. In fact, you can even mimic Writio’s persona structure on other platforms for better results. Keep it simple, folks!

Keep An Eye on It

Now, let me put it this way. Writio is still a young player in the field. It’s possible that they’re still in the ‘beta’ phase, fine-tuning their system. So, keep an eye out! However, once they iron out the kinks, expect a hike in their pricing, especially if they’re truly using GPT-4 technology.

I contacted Writio for comment. I’ll update this review if they answer.

I’m probably never getting into Ezoic’s ad network after this review, so please buy one of my tools. lol!

PS: This article was written by feeding GPT 4 a few bullet points of my data and a solid prompt. It cost me 0.18$ to create. Besides the time it took to review Writio, it took me less than 5 minutes to publish.

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