AutoBlogging Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Nope (2023)


Hey there, tech aficionados and AI aficionados and afficionadas, it’s me again. Your trusted solopreneur on a quest to try every AI program under the sun… and then some. Buckle up, folks, because today we’re delving into the world of autoblogging. Now, we all love a good dose of automation, but does make the cut? Let’s find out!

I’ve always been one to appreciate a good piece of tech, especially if it saves me time, effort, or, best of all, all of the above. So, when I first stumbled upon autoblogging AI, I was as excited as a kid in a candy store. I mean, who wouldn’t be intrigued by the thought of a bot tirelessly churning out blog content while you sip your Pinot Noir and binge-watch the latest Netflix series? It sounds like a dream!

However, as with most dreams, reality soon came knocking. Not all that glitters is gold, and honestly, this autoblogging AI had more of a lackluster bronze shine when I took a closer look. To help you navigate your way through the labyrinth of AI gizmos, I’ll share my experience with this particular contraption and why I decided it’s not for my projects.

Autblogging homepage

Quick Summary

  • Autoblogging AI, while touted as a time-saving tool for producing blog content, didn’t meet my expectations due to several issues.
  • The major drawbacks include excessive fluff or unnecessary details, repetition of points, and inaccuracies in the data provided.
  • The style of writing sometimes felt too robotic, detracting from a natural, engaging read.
  • Formatting issues were also encountered, particularly with vertical tables, and the excessive use of bold and italics.
  • The quality of the images provided by the AI was often unsatisfactory.
  • Editing the AI’s output was a long, tedious process, and the final draft often bore little resemblance to the initial version.
  • Despite these issues, there were also some positives. The support team was responsive and helpful, and the pricing was reasonable, offering a decent value for money.
  • The images provided might work better in blogs related to other niches. The author also acknowledges that their personal disapproval of GPT 3.5 might not be a universal sentiment.
  • Ultimately, while autoblogging AI didn’t meet my needs, it might still work for other people depending on their specific requirements and preferences. I encourage you to explore different AI tools and find what works best for you.


I’m starting with the Cons because in my opinion AutoBlogging is not worth it compared to other solutions out there. I’m quite critical here, but it does have some silver lining.

First off, the fluff. Boy, oh boy, this AI loves to babble more than my grandma at a family reunion. Now, don’t get me wrong, grandma’s stories are legendary, but when it comes to professional blogging, less is often more. Autoblogging AI seems to have missed this memo and overloads the content with unnecessary information and jargon, making it feel like you’re lost in a maze of words.

And if you think you’re seeing double, trust me, you’re not. Autoblogging AI is a big fan of repetition. Imagine re-reading the same point repackaged in different sentences throughout the blog. It’s like Groundhog Day, but less charming and more tiresome.

Now, you know I’m a stickler for facts. There’s nothing that gets my goat more than misinformation. Autoblogging AI, unfortunately, had a habit of sharing incorrect data. Even the bookstore detective series I read have better fact-checking!

Now let me touch upon the AI feel of the content. I mean, yeah, it’s written by an AI, but does it have to read like a robot wrote it? GPT 3.5 really needs to step up its game. It’s like dating someone just because they look good, but they can’t hold a meaningful conversation. You get what I mean?

There were also some formatting bugs I encountered. Just picture this: vertical tables. Yes, you heard it right. Vertical! It’s like trying to read a novel sideways – it’s doable but utterly head-tiltingly inconvenient.

Call me old-school, but I appreciate subtlety in styling. Autoblogging AI is like a hyper toddler who discovered the joy of bold and italic text, sprinkling it in places it simply doesn’t belong. Trust me, you don’t want to read an entire paragraph in bold italics unless you’re trying to give your eyes a workout.

The editing process? Long and tedious. By the end of it, my content looked nothing like the initial AI output. It’s like the AI made me a lasagna, and I had to take it apart and turn it into a salad. There was a mind-boggling amount of repetition, walls of text in bold, no examples for a solid understanding, and no attempts at paraphrasing. It managed to turn a 1500 word blog into a 3500-word marathon, thanks to the fluff.


Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to bash autoblogging AI. It definitely has its merits. And like a good bottle of red, it does get some things just right.

To kick off the positives, let’s raise a glass to the helpful support team. They’re like the helpful librarian in your small-town library, always ready to assist when you’re lost in the stacks. Quick to respond, patient in explaining, and with a knack for problem-solving, the support these guys provided was top-notch. It’s like having your own tech sidekick, minus the cool superhero outfit.

Next up, the pricing. Now, I don’t know about you, but I like to get value for my money. And autoblogging AI delivers decent bang for your buck. It’s kind of like shopping at a thrift store – you’re getting something pretty good for a fraction of the price. For all you solopreneurs on a budget, this might be just the ticket.

AutoBlogging Pricing

Not to forget the images. Although they didn’t quite fit my blogs, that doesn’t mean they won’t work for others. If your blog falls under a different niche, these images might just do the trick. It’s like trying to use a fish to climb a tree – it’s not going to work. But put that fish back in water, and voila, it’s right at home. So, the images might be more suitable for some niches than others.

The NLP keyword optimization is decent.

And the whole GPT 3.5 thing? Well, that’s more of a beef between me and the technology. It’s like having a disagreement with your favorite barista who suddenly changes the espresso beans – you’re not a fan, but others might be completely okay with it. So, if you’re comfortable with the style, the GPT 3.5 might just be your cup of freshly brewed coffee.

(are you sure you’re okay with GPT 3.5 though? it keeps thinking engines can use both diesel and gas at the same time… hummm.)

So, even though autoblogging AI and I didn’t quite see eye to eye, that doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. It does have its benefits, and depending on your individual needs, it might just fit the bill. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of world, and that’s what makes it interesting, isn’t it? So, while I might pass on the autoblogging AI, that doesn’t mean you should. Try it out, test the waters, and who knows? You might find a tech companion for life. Or at least for your blogging needs!

Plenty of Fish in the Sea

Now, I’m not saying all AI writing tools are like this. Oh no, dear reader, there are some fantastic ones out there. SEOWriting is my go-to currently. But hey, don’t take my word as gospel. Try them, challenge them, and make your own informed decision.

And hey, if you come across an AI tool that you think is worth trying, throw it my way. I’m always up for a challenge. Remember, in this digital world, it’s not about the tools we use, but how we use them. So, let’s keep exploring, keep experimenting, and most importantly, keep having fun with it. To the next tech adventure!

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