Why I created AIrtizen


Every entrepreneur has their eureka moments. For me, it began with a simple notion. I wanted to create high-quality websites that would work around the clock, even during a recession, to bring in passive income. I was drawn to the idea of minimizing customer issues.

Affiliate websites seemed to be the solution. They allowed me to generate income by creating content in areas I was interested in. Additionally, they freed me from customer support, allowing me to focus solely on what I love, automation.

Patience was crucial. I was willing to play the long game, unperturbed by the prospect of waiting 9 to 12 months for my websites to gain SEO traction.

I wasn’t enthusiastic about one part of the website-building process – link building. The idea felt inauthentic and didn’t align with my inclination toward self-reliance and limited external engagements.

Simply put: I hate outreaching.

Instead of a link-building strategy, I knew the quality of my content had to be exceptional. It needed to be compelling enough to attract and retain visitors to my websites.

The challenge

The challenge though?

I needed multiple websites up and running at lightning speed for them to mature over time.

This translated into an overwhelming need for a huge amount of content. And here, I was a novice. I didn’t know anything about AI or programmatic SEO.

But this was a gap, not a roadblock.

I submerged myself in the sea of knowledge available online, learning everything right from scratch.

Buckets of determination and gallons of hard work were my guiding stars as I navigated the intricate universe of AI and programmatic SEO.

The dawn of AI-powered content creation

AI, with its vast wealth of knowledge, became my companion. With it, I barely needed any data added. Just a sprinkle of the uniqueness of something the internet doesn’t really already know or understand well, and voilà, an article was born.

In just two hours, I could generate a thousand articles using some AI + Programmatic tools. But, no form of creation is flawless from the get-go.

The pitfall using the GPT Integration in my Google Sheets was that the AI-written articles needed editing. It sparked a learning curve, teaching me to break my article prompts into smaller parts, making them crystal clear.

I immersed myself in the AI-composed articles. I refined the prompts, gently guiding the AI to improve its output. This became a dance, subtly shaping the AI to meet my precise content needs.

After a trial-and-error period, I finally hit the jackpot. The error rate was virtually zero across all my beloved Google Sheets rows.

Fast forward to three months later

Four of my websites are cooking nicely, growing and maturing on the internet. But I’m not stopping there. My goal is to create at least one new website every month.

I’ve nicely sped up the process since then by removing the need for website scrapers using my custom-built AI URL summarizer.

I’ve decided to document my journey and share it right here on this website. I want to share with you my journey, fellow solopreneurs. Maybe you’ll appreciate it the way I do. Maybe it will give you ideas. Maybe we can inspire each other!

Along the way, I’ll share the tools I’ve created. My goal is to offer a helping hand, enabling others to automate and enhance their own content creation process.

I get a kick out of this. Designing this website has been a joy (how cool is the logo? AI designed it!) and the prospect of making some side income is rather sweet.

It’s my first stab at building in public. Will I enjoy this transparent process? Only time will tell. Don’t be surprised if I suddenly drop it.

This is my story. But I only wrote it in a few key points. AI did the rest.

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